Angels in the new year

We are all called to be the spark of God to our fellow human beings.  It is easy to say “how could God let this happen?”  But so often, it is really our own inaction that allows the evil to happen or the good to “not happen” .  There is great power within each of us because of our spiritual/physical nature to do good, to be “an angel” to our neighbor as Phyllis Zagano writes about so beautifully in this …

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Thankful for our Thanksgiving Volunteers!

 “…thank you for letting us be a part of this very special mission to make a positive difference in the lives of others.”  –       Darrell Sartin ACIT Instructor for Almansor Center Sometimes we forget that the giving in life is as important to our well-being (and perhaps even more-so) then the taking. Many giving hands made it possible for the Holy Family Giving Bank to provide 450 needy local families with Thanksgiving dinner.  We deeply appreciate everyone’s help. Several of …

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Every Christmas, we at the Giving Bank, witness the joy of the season as we meet our Homeboy Industries and Dolores Mission families. The parents come with no expectations, just that they received a call to say that their “presents” are ready for pick-up. One family knocked on our door, came in and was amazed that our offices were filled with toys. They took their little bundle to the car and when the mom returned, we brought out her daughter’s …

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Does Jesus Have a Sense of Humor?

Fr. James Martin, SJ has a new book out entitled, Between Heaven and Mirth:  Why Joy, Humor and Laughter Are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life (soon to be, if not already, available  at the Holy Family bookstore).   Fr. Martin, SJ,  who you may know from his many appearances on the Stephen Colbert show, says in his book that if we are truly filled with the Holy Spirit then we should be joy-filled- as that is one of the …

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This Addict Is a Saint

I am amazed each time I have the privilege of meeting with a parishioner who wants to become more involved in their Church by volunteering.  I am awed by their generosity, their openness to the Spirit of God’s call, and often by their remarkable faith journey. But it is just as often that I am startled by their humility.  Again and again when I  suggest that a person consider bringing Eucharist to the home-bound or becoming a Catechist, I receive …

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Grace, Gratitude, Generosity & Mercy

Historically, the Roman Catholic tradition has defined grace as the God-given gift of salvation granted to humanity. Our parish has embraced an expanded definition to include the time we spend honoring God in prayer and worship, sharing love with family, friends, and our faith community…

Holy Family’s Welcome Center

“Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.”(Matthew 25:34-36) Do you remember (or at least recall hearing about) the days when the “Welcome Wagon” made its way through the neighborhood bringing gifts and baked goods to those who had just moved into the community?  I …

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Dolores Mission Tutoring Ministry Begins…

Holy Family’s tutoring ministry at Dolores Mission is seeking volunteers who love children and can commit one half day a week to spend time with selected students at Dolores Mission School in East Los Angeles. Some of our tutors work with children in K-8th grades in reading and math. Some tutors are needed for library aides. This year we would like to have a library aide in the library 4 mornings a week and 2 aides in the library 2 …

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Who will you invite into the Circle?

I was one of the seeming hundreds who crammed into the South Pasadena library last week to hear Fr. Greg Boyle share, in his inimitable way, what it means to live the gospel in today’s world. He speaks of the “circle of compassion”, who we let into it and who is left on the outside. For many of us – hardened gang members might not be those we would want to invite into the circle. And yet, Fr. Greg (or …

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Catholic Relief Services Urge U.S. House to Keep in Mind the Worlds’ Poorest

CRS Urge U.S. House to Keep in Mind the World’s Poorest as Subcommittee Marks Up Foreign OPS Appropriations for FY2012WASHINGTON—Morally appropriate efforts must be made to reduce the nation’s deficit and debt but special care must be taken that the cuts don’t disproportionally affect the world’s poorest people, said Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ USCCB Committee on International Justice and Peace, and Ken Hackett, president of Catholic Relief Services, in …

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