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November 15, 2014 We continue our third of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class.
This week the candidates in the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class received the Rite of Reader or Lector and those in the St. Rose of Lima (the class year ahead of us) received the rite of Acolyte.
These two rites were established by Pope Paul VI on August 15, 1972.
This rite was conducted as part of a Mass with Cardinal Mahony as the presider. When it came time for the rite, each candidate’s name was called and they responded “present”. Then the Cardinal read the following,
“The reader is appointed for a function proper to him, that of reading the word of God in the liturgical assembly. Accordingly, he is to proclaim the readings from sacred Scripture, except for the gospel in the Mass and other sacred celebrations; he is to recite the psalm between the readings when there is no psalmist; he is to present the intentions for the general intercessions in the absence of a deacon or cantor; he is to direct the singing and the participation by the faithful; he is to instruct the faithful for the worthy reception of the sacraments. He may also, insofar as may be necessary, take care of preparing other faithful who are appointed on a temporary basis to read the Scriptures in liturgical celebrations. That he may more fittingly and perfectly fulfill these functions, he is to meditate assiduously on sacred Scripture.
Aware of the office he has undertaken, the reader is to make every effort and employ suitable means to acquire that increasingly warm and living love and knowledge of Scripture that will make him a more perfect disciple of the Lord.”
Each candidate proceeded to the front of the church in front of the first pews. As each of their names were called again, they would proceed to front of the Cardinal and kneel before him. The Cardinal then say the following;
“Take this book of Holy Scripture and be faithful in handing on the word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of his people.”
After our rite was completed, the Rite of Acolytes was conducted, which the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton formation class will receive next year.
The Rite of Reader is the second Rite of three Rites. The first is Candidacy, which was received last year and the third, Acolyte, which will be received next year. Each of these three Rites are part of the Diaconate discernment process.

We continue to be blessed and most grateful for your support and prayers as we continue this amazing journey.
If you have any questions about what we have experienced in the diaconate (aka “that deacon thing”), please ask us or send us an e-mail to
If you are interested in becoming a Deacon or a Deacon Couple for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, please contact:
Diaconate Formation Office
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
3424 Wilshire Boulevard, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241
Or, Attend an information day:
Sunday, January 18, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at St. John Chrysostom Parish, 546 E. Florence Ave. Inglewood, CA 90301.
Candy & Jay Krueger,
Candidacy Year II, Diaconate Formation,
Holy Family Church, South Pasadena, CA