Online Prayer Book - page 52

Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord
1 John 2:18-21
Psalm 96:1-2, 11-12, 13
John 1:1-18
' I write to you not because you do not know the truth but because
you do, and because every lie is alien to the truth. 'Let the heavens
be glad and the earth rejoice!¯ 'And the Word became flesh,¯
Jesus, the word incarnate came to earth as both man and God to live
among us. John tells us that Jesus existed before him and that he
ranks ahead of him. God created the world and sent us Jesus: the
word, as a man to live among us while still remaining God. John tells
us that he was sent from God to tell us that the 'true light¯ was com-
ing into the world. .
After reading this gospel over and over again, I struggled with what
to reflect on. 'And the WORD BECAME FLESH¯ stuck with me as I
read it again and again. I couldn?t let it go and all I could think about
is the baby Jesus that sweet Young Mary was carrying. I am thinking
of my favorite Visitation story when Mary journeyed to visit Elizabeth
and when they met, the baby that Elizabeth was carrying leaped in her
womb for the first time! It was baby John the Baptist, already rejoic-
ing at the presence of the WORD that would come to 'dwell amongst
us.¯ Years later, John was to tell the faithful that Jesus was coming
and then baptized him. John is telling us that Jesus is in our lives
TODAY through our family and friends. He reminds us that our Father
loves us and wants to be close to us. He sent his Son to be with us
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