Online Prayer Book - page 60

Christmas Weekday
I JN 4:11-18
Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13
Mk 6:45-52
Today?s reading from 1 John continues to emphasize the essence of God ? God
is love. Although no one has ever seen God, we get a glimpse when we open
ourselves to a loving relationship ? albeit imperfectly. The Responsorial Psalm
continues the Epiphany theme: 'Every nation on earth will adore you¯. Mark?s
gospel takes up that theme as the disciples, after witnessing the miracle of the
multiplication of loaves and fishes, have yet to understand who Jesus is as he
walks across the water to calm their fears.
Reflecting back on Sunday?s Feast of the Epiphany, we are reminded that al-
though darkness covers the earth, we are enlightened by the glory of the Lord
shining around us. That glory of the Lord enables us to see what?s most impor-
tant. An epiphany is that moment when we suddenly see or understand some-
thing in a new or very clear way. Do you remember the story, 'The Little Prince¯
by Antoine St.
Exupery? There is point
in the conversation be-
tween the fox and the
Little Prince that has
always had profound
meaning for me:
'The most beautiful things
in the world cannot be
seen or touched, they are
felt with the heart.¯ I be-
lieve that is the experience
of love that gives us the
glimpse of God.
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