April 2020

Dear Parishioners,

It has been almost five years since Pope Francis delivered his landmark Encyclical Laudato Si, a call for action to all Catholics to care for our common home. Answering this call, Catholics and others around the world have been committing themselves to conserving natural resources and taking on the challenge of reversing global climate change. In the years since the Pope’s bold proclamation, environmental issues have gained more urgency in the public discourse and the climate crisis is now mentioned almost daily in the news. While the proper course of action can be fiercely debated in the political sphere, as Catholics, we have Pope Francis’ words to reassure us that care for creation transcends these secular divides.

The Holy Family Environmental Ministry strives to make the church’s teachings on the environment more accessible to members of the parish. Over the years, we have hosted educational lectures and movies and have worked with the parish on drought-tolerant landscaping and waste reduction projects. Most recently, our ministry partnered with the school Parent Education Program in January to host a fun family event focused on sustainable cooking practices, “Moving Toward Plant-based. For you. For the planet.” Chef Nina Zippay, founder of Radial Cooks, prepared a complete meal while we watched; teaching us how to use the whole plant, from root to stem, to leaf and flower. Chef Nina dispelled myths and misconceptions of plant-based foods while the enticing aroma of her cooking filled the hall. In addition to the meal being nutritious and delicious, we were pleased to find that after feeding the 72 satisfied participants, we had produced much less than a half bag of trash!

A great time to renew your commitment to God’s creation is this April 22nd, the 50th celebration of Earth Day. The Holy Family Environmental Ministry will be hosting the Continental Breakfast on Sunday, April 19th, and we would love to have the opportunity to meet you and answer any questions. Please stop by to chat over donuts and Fair Trade coffee. Our ministry meets the third Thursday of each month and we are always looking for new ideas and inspiration.

For the beauty of the Earth,

Holy Family Environmental Ministry/Fair Trade Ministry

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