Deacon Corner

May 3, 2014 we continue our diaconate journey… This week the majority of the class time was covered with a guest speaker,  Tim Staples  from Catholic Answers. Tim is a Catholic Apologist. This is a field of theology, which has the aim to present a rational basis for the Roman Catholic faith and defending it against objections. Tim had not always been a Catholic.  In fact, he was a member of the Assemblies of God Church, as well as a Youth …

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Diaconate Journey Continues….Catholic Apologist

May 3, 2014 we continue our diaconate journey… This week the majority of the class time was covered with a guest speaker,  Tim Staples  from Catholic Answers. Tim is a Catholic Apologist. This is a field of theology, which has the aim to present a rational basis for the Roman Catholic faith and defending it against objections. Tim had not always been a Catholic.  In fact, he was a member of the Assemblies of God Church, as well as a Youth …

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The Sewing Circle

Mothers’ Day Quite honestly, we don’t know if the Haitian people celebrate a Mothers’ Day, and, if so, whether it coincides with our beautiful tradition. Still, we want to honor all Haitian mothers and today is a wonderful time to do just that. Haitian mothers assume most of the task of raising the children of Haiti. In Haiti, especially in the slums, the family has disintegrated and the mother is most often left alone to care for the children. With …

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Living Your Gifts Begins May 12

Discover the Life you were born to live! Participate in a Living Your Gifts workshop (4 weeks long. Register now- sessions fill up quickly). Mondays 7:00 to 8:30 pm, May 12, 19 & June 2, 9, Holy Family Pastoral Center Connect with Your God-Given Gifts and Purpose. Connect with Your True Self. Connect and Find Community. “Living Your Gifts” includes any or all of the following…an opportunity to discover your top 5 gifts – online assessment…a chance to explore your …

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Imagine LA

The Holy Family / Imagine LA Journey On Sunday June 1st at the 9:30 a.m. Mass you are invited to join the Holy Family community in blessing the Rodriguez family for their graduation from the Imagine LA program. Imagine LA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to mobilizing the community to end family homelessness and chronic poverty in Los Angeles. Imagine LA has developed an innovative volunteer mentorship program that matches homeless families with volunteer teams from faith communities, companies, and other …

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May 15 Pray for Children!

 We are a world united in concern for children and youth through blessing, thought, and prayer. In the UN charter: all children have a right to an education that changes their lives and stops the cycle of poverty. More than a million children in 14 countries do not attend school. One half of the world’s children will never be in a classroom. Every country of the world shares some of these problems. The causes include war, poverty, social unrest, prejudice, …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…proclaiming the Good News

Here is our latest Blog. This contains information on both April 12th & 26th. April 12, 2014   This week we discussed Paul’s letter to the Galatians as well as had our final exam for our lector training. Due to the activity around Holy Week, this entry will also contain information about our April 27th all group meeting. As we completed our  lector training, it became more evident that the lector does more than read, they proclaim. Proclaiming involves more than going into …

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The Friendship of Women

With Sister Chris Machado, Executive Director, Holy Spirit Retreat Center, Encino on Wednesday, April 30th, 9:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m. Galilee Room of the Pastoral Center 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. – Refreshments & Fellowship 12:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Bring your own brown bag lunch (Drinks provided) Sr. Chris will explore the importance of women’s friendship and focus on: Self Care – Being a friend to yourself Why women need women friends Different types of women’s friendship Presented …

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