Boy Scouts

SCOUTS BSA (Youth 11 – 17) Troop 333 – Parish Based SETTING A COURSE FOR ADVENTURE Some kids avoid obstacles. Scouts at Holy Family overcome them.   Troop 333 was founded 90 years ago and has been registered for over 60 consecutive years. Scouts BSA Troop 333 is a year-round program for boys and girls in fifth grade through high school that provides fun, adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility to help them become the best version of themselves. In Scouts BSA, young men …

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Catholic Communications (Toastmasters Club)

Mission Statement The Catholic Communication Ministry (CCM) is committed to the development of communication and leadership skills in an atmosphere of Christian fellowship. CCM offers the opportunity to belong to a community of faith in a new way. Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center. Want to improve your communication and leadership skills?  Be more effective in meetings? Get your point across more concisely?  Join us and learn how membership can …

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Disciple’s Reflection Question of the Week

What is the Disciple’s Reflection Question of the Week? Simply put, it helps people to break open the word of God.  This allows for Faith Formation to be where it belongs: within the households of faith.  Consider for a moment…what was the Gospel about last Sunday?  Many people might have forgotten, but this simple prayer form helps the average household gather, listen, share and pray over the scriptures each week.  Households may gather and reread the Gospel any time during …

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Religious Education for First through Fifth Grade

Mission Statement

The Religious Education Program offers instruction to children in 1st through 5th grade. We are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in the Catholic tradition through education and formation, celebrating liturgy and prayer, experiencing community and reaching out in service.

At Holy Family, we are delighted to partner with you and your child on this journey of faith!

The mission of our ministry is to help children develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Christian community and increase their knowledge of the core content of the Catholic faith. Together with the family, the parish, and our team, our goal is to plant seeds of faith to equip your child and your family to grow as disciples of Jesus.

Families Forming Disciples (FFD) is also a part of the calendar. FFD is a once-a-month family-centered approach to formation with the goals of educating, encouraging conversation between family members, and deepening a connection between families and the church community. These special Sunday sessions are for you and your child to attend.

Sacrament preparation for First Eucharist and reconciliation is a two-year process, usually beginning in first grade. Sacrament preparation is open to all children. Our office will guide families seeking sacraments for older children, including baptism.

We offer faith formation classes on Sunday mornings from 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM or Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM. Please upload a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate, including children baptized at Holy Family, when completing this form. We look forward to serving you!


Colette Villegas, PCL

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A wedding is a day; a marriage is a lifetime For Catholics, marriage is not only a personal covenant; it is also a sacrament in which God is present in a special way in the lives of the two persons joined with Christ in a union of love. The community of Holy Family extends a cordial welcome to you who are planning to consecrate your love for one another in the sacrament of matrimony. It is our privilege to help …

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Block Rosary Divine Mercy Prayer Group

Meetings The group meets the 2nd & last Sundays of the month. About the Block Rosary and Divine Mercy Prayer Goup Beyond the rites and liturgies of the Church, the Lord wishes discipline and prayer that reach out to the good of others. It is important for us to first look to the will of God, which must be the guide of all our thoughts and actions. As we consider the virtue of prayer, the Filipino Catholic Association’s Block Rosary …

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Eucharistic Minister Schedule

Please refer to your Ministry Schedule for your assigned Mass. If a change needs to be made, please find a replacement and contact Erin or the Pastoral Center front desk. Contact Erin Lima Pastoral Center Receptionist (626) 403-6143 Erin is available during the week. On weekends, please contact the front desk, (626) 799-8908.    

Lector Schedule

Please refer to your Ministry Schedule for your assigned Mass. If a change needs to be made, please find a replacement and contact Nancy or the Pastoral Center front desk. Contact Erin Lima Pastoral Center Receptionist (626) 403-6143

Italian Catholic Federation

Mission Statement The Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) is a national apostolic and charitable organization based at local parishes. Through families and fellowship, the Italian Catholic Federation promotes and supports the Catholic faith and its values, encourages apostolic and charitable works, and celebrates our Italian American heritage and all the heritages of our communities. Membership is available to all Catholics. There are many members who are not of Italian ethnicity or descent but who share the ideals of the ICF and …

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St. Vincent de Paul

Saint Vincent de Paul

Mission StatementThe St. Vincent de Paul Society leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. About the Saint Vincent de Paul SocietyThe SVDP Society is the oldest ministry in the parish, having been originally formed in 1921. It is currently comprised of 13 volunteers and one staff member. The group meets monthly and operates throughout …

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