Volunteers/Catechists Needed

Holy Family is in need of Catechists, those willing to share faith with children, teens and adults. Recruiting catechists is one of the most difficult challenges that catechetical leaders face! We catechists know that the invitation to become a catechist, while flattering, can also be intimidating. We’re not sure if we are qualified or capable of forming others in the faith. As a result, we often come into this ministry with a bit of reluctance, maybe a little fear!  Fear …

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Grace, Gratitude, Generosity & Mercy

Historically, the Roman Catholic tradition has defined grace as the God-given gift of salvation granted to humanity. Our parish has embraced an expanded definition to include the time we spend honoring God in prayer and worship, sharing love with family, friends, and our faith community…

9/11 Remembered

One Light, One World Cambria Smith and Fr. Jose Parathanal, on behalf of the Holy Family community, received this light in remembrance of the many whose lives were taken on September 11, 2001. Our thoughts turn to the somber events when so many innocent lives were lost in the brutal assault on the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the further attacks in Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania.  On the tenth anniversary may we remember our beloved dead and …

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Holy Family’s Welcome Center

“Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.”(Matthew 25:34-36) Do you remember (or at least recall hearing about) the days when the “Welcome Wagon” made its way through the neighborhood bringing gifts and baked goods to those who had just moved into the community?  I …

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Life Without Parole for Juveniles

Click on photo for brief Holy Family Productions video by Jane Argento, chair, Holy Family Restorative Justice Ministries “We bishops cannot support policies that treat young offenders as though they are adults.  The actions of the most violent youth leave us shocked and frightened and  therefore they should be removed from society until they are no longer dangerous.  But society must never respond to children who have committed crimes as though they are somehow equal to adults fully formed in conscience and …

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Keep Holy Election Day

Keep Holy Election Day As we enter into the run up to the next Presidential Election in November 2012, I have been thinking more and more about what it means to be an American citizen and a Catholic.  The 2012 election will be my first opportunity to vote for a US President since becoming a citizen in 2010. Being an engaged citizen and being a Catholic are two absolutely complementary things.  As Catholics, our Church asks us to bring our …

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Dolores Mission Tutoring Ministry Begins…

Holy Family’s tutoring ministry at Dolores Mission is seeking volunteers who love children and can commit one half day a week to spend time with selected students at Dolores Mission School in East Los Angeles. Some of our tutors work with children in K-8th grades in reading and math. Some tutors are needed for library aides. This year we would like to have a library aide in the library 4 mornings a week and 2 aides in the library 2 …

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Who will you invite into the Circle?

I was one of the seeming hundreds who crammed into the South Pasadena library last week to hear Fr. Greg Boyle share, in his inimitable way, what it means to live the gospel in today’s world. He speaks of the “circle of compassion”, who we let into it and who is left on the outside. For many of us – hardened gang members might not be those we would want to invite into the circle. And yet, Fr. Greg (or …

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When two people marry, the whole complex gathering of rites-some from the state, some from the family, some from the church-serves many purposes. For one, they show what all these groups think about marriage, and they try to impress these understandings on the couple. For another, they let everyone adjust to the idea that there is something new among us: We cannot think of these two tomorrow as we thought of them yesterday. And yet another task of the rites: Some of them are meant to allow us to express our sheer delight in the festival. When ritual does its work, all these things happen. But there are some¬times difficulties when it comes to the church’s part in the wedding. If the couple has no feeling of belonging, they are likely to be indifferent, seeing what happens in the church building as only another obligation. Apart from the bridal party’s entrance procession and a favorite song or two, they may say that “anything Father wants is fine with us.”

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Liturgy of the Hours

Long ago, our ancestors in faith had ways for individuals and households to praise and thank God constantly, with the poetic richness of praying at morning and evening with hymns and psalms known by heart. As time went on we lost those forms of prayer. In more recent times, some substitutes were found: the prayers called the morning offering, the act of contrition, the Angelus and other prayers related to the time of day. For some, these too have been …

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