
The sacrament of reconciliation is offered at Holy Family in our reconciliation room, located in the vestibule area of the church. The reconciliation room allows for either an anonymous setting or a face to face approach. Some people find it comforting to make an appointment with one of the priests for individual reconciliation. In this case, one meets the confessor in his office in the Pastoral Center.

During Advent and Lent, Holy Family Church offers a communal Reconciliation Service. Generally, the service includes the Liturgy of the Word, a reflection on the readings, and an examination of conscience. Priests from nearby parishes assist at these services so that there is a sufficient number to hear individual confessions.

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Hospitality Minister Schedule

Please refer to your Ministry Schedule for your assigned Mass. If a change needs to be made, please find a replacement and contact Nancy or the Pastoral Center front desk. Contact Erin Lima Pastoral Center Receptionist (626) 403-6143 Erin is available during the week. On weekends, please contact the front desk, (626) 799-8908.


Mission Statement The Usher Ministry serves the worshiping assembly by providing a welcoming, hospitable atmosphere and assuring the orderly progress of the liturgy. About the Usher Ministry The Usher Ministry finds it roots in Hebrew scripture. The Second Book of Kings speaks of the “doorkeepers” who collected money offerings from the people (2 Kings 22:4). Ushers are liturgical ministers, assuring the comfort of the assembly in the worship space and performing various functions during the liturgy.  Ushers help people sit …

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Administration Commission

– The Administration Commission lends expertise, advice, and practical assistance in providing stewardship of physical assets, overseeing parish operations, and providing assistance and support to the staff and other commissions on an as-needed basis. The commission carries out its activities through subcommittees. Ministries to which the Administration Commission lends direction are listed under Ministries.

Altar Servers

Mission Statement Holy Family, a Eucharistic community, invites its young people and adults to serve at the table of the Lord.  Altar Servers help facilitate our Eucharistic liturgies in a regular and reverent manner. About the Ministry Serving the people of God while we worship in the church is a way of growing closer to God. We cannot see God. But when we do something for God’s people, we give worship and honor to God and encounter the living God. …

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Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers

Mission Statement Eucharistic Ministers prayerfully serve the people of Holy Family by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Eucharistic celebrations. About Eucharistic Minister Ministry “It is a gift to be a Eucharistic Minister – to share the Body and Blood of Christ with another,” said one Eucharistic Minister reflecting on her experience at Holy Family. The moment of communion is one that should be seized by both the minister and the communicant.  This moment is unique because it …

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Boy Scouts

SCOUTS BSA (Youth 11 – 17) Troop 333 – Parish Based SETTING A COURSE FOR ADVENTURE Some kids avoid obstacles. Scouts at Holy Family overcome them.   Troop 333 was founded 90 years ago and has been registered for over 60 consecutive years. Scouts BSA Troop 333 is a year-round program for boys and girls in fifth grade through high school that provides fun, adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility to help them become the best version of themselves. In Scouts BSA, young men …

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Catholic Communications (Toastmasters Club)

Mission Statement The Catholic Communication Ministry (CCM) is committed to the development of communication and leadership skills in an atmosphere of Christian fellowship. CCM offers the opportunity to belong to a community of faith in a new way. Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Center. Want to improve your communication and leadership skills?  Be more effective in meetings? Get your point across more concisely?  Join us and learn how membership can …

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Disciple’s Reflection Question of the Week

What is the Disciple’s Reflection Question of the Week? Simply put, it helps people to break open the word of God.  This allows for Faith Formation to be where it belongs: within the households of faith.  Consider for a moment…what was the Gospel about last Sunday?  Many people might have forgotten, but this simple prayer form helps the average household gather, listen, share and pray over the scriptures each week.  Households may gather and reread the Gospel any time during …

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Religious Education for First through Fifth Grade

Mission Statement

The Religious Education Program offers instruction to children in 1st through 5th grade. We are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in the Catholic tradition through education and formation, celebrating liturgy and prayer, experiencing community and reaching out in service.

At Holy Family, we are delighted to partner with you and your child on this journey of faith!

The mission of our ministry is to help children develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Christian community and increase their knowledge of the core content of the Catholic faith. Together with the family, the parish, and our team, our goal is to plant seeds of faith to equip your child and your family to grow as disciples of Jesus.

Families Forming Disciples (FFD) is also a part of the calendar. FFD is a once-a-month family-centered approach to formation with the goals of educating, encouraging conversation between family members, and deepening a connection between families and the church community. These special Sunday sessions are for you and your child to attend.

Sacrament preparation for First Eucharist and reconciliation is a two-year process, usually beginning in first grade. Sacrament preparation is open to all children. Our office will guide families seeking sacraments for older children, including baptism.

We offer faith formation classes on Sunday mornings from 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM or Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM. Please upload a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate, including children baptized at Holy Family, when completing this form. We look forward to serving you!


Colette Villegas, PCL

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