July Discipleship Letter

All Holy Family Sunday Masses to resume July 11, 2021 There will be a reception in the Gathering Area after each of these Masses to welcome Fr. Albert and Fr. Andrew, please join us! Saturday (July 10):  5:00 pm vigil Sunday (July 11): 6:20 am, 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am, 12:45 pm, 5:30 pm   “There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens” Eccl 3:1 Scripture affirms for us that all …

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Youth & Young Adult 5:30 Mass

Weekly 5:30pm Sunday Mass – All teens and young adults, you’re always invited to this Mass that’s especially fit for you! WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU! Please visit youthministry.holyfamily.org to learn about Youth Ministry and holyfamily.org/yam to learn more about Trinity Young Adult Ministry.

June 2021 Discipleship Letter

Greetings from the basement of Connolly Parish Hall! The Holy Family Bookstore is alive and well.  We’ve been fortunate to have remained open during the pandemic.  We were able to accommodate you by appointment, curbside pick-up and we happily shipped orders by U.S. Mail for several months.  We are grateful to you for your continued support through this challenging time. We’d like to announce that we are now fully open for in-person shopping and invite you to visit us when …

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Announcing Our New Pastor!

We are thrilled to welcome Father Albert Bahhuth as our new Pastor, effective July 1st! Dear Parishioners and Friends of Holy Family,   We have just heard from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles the name of Holy Family’s new Pastor.  I am delighted to share with you that Fr. Albert Bahhuth will be joining Holy Family on July 1st. Click here for the New Pastors Administrators ACES Announcement 2021 Many of you know Fr. Albert as the former Vicar General/Moderator …

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New Associate Pastor

WELCOMING A NEW ASSOCIATE PASTOR TO HOLY FAMILY ON JULY 1ST We are delighted to announce that the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has assigned an Associate Pastor to Holy Family beginning July 1st.  Deacon Andrew Hedstrom will be ordained a priest on Saturday, June 5th and Holy Family will be his first assignment as a priest. He will be joining Father Albert, Monsignor Connolly and Father Denis in priestly ministry at Holy Family! Deacon Andrew was born in Loma Linda, …

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May 2021 Discipleship Letter

LIVE VIRTUAL GALA SATURDAY, MAY 15th, 2021 Rise up… Ever Onward! is our theme for this year’s Holy Family Auction because, though we are living through very challenging times, we know there is a bright future ahead! The Virtual Auction will be held LIVE at 7:00 pm on Saturday, May 15th—a fun-filled live-streamed event, full of surprises, special performances and amazing LIVE Auction items! ONLINE SILENT AUCTION OPENS MAY 5th BID ON UNIQUE ITEMS FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME: …

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Livestream of the Rosary

Join us in Praying the Rosary Deacon Jay and Candy will be leading the Rosary on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:00 p.m. PST.  You can join them by Zoom using this link, meeting ID & Password. Topic: Holy Family Church Tri-Weekly Rosary Via Zoom Time: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. To request Zoom log-in information please e-mail: deaconcouple@holyfamily.org     All are welcome! Click here for other Virtual LIVE Rosary options Scroll down for quarantine …

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April 2021 Discipleship Letter

April 2021 Dear Parishioners, Did you know that Holy Family is a Fair Trade Congregation? In fact, our church was one of the first congregations in the nation to receive this official designation from Fair Trade Campaigns. The significant achievement stems directly from the tireless work of Parish Life Director, Cambria Tortorelli, who has long championed fair trade practices at Holy Family, alongside others in our church community who share her passion. Ahead of her upcoming transition from Holy Family, …

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Liturgical Ministries

As we continue to open up for Masses, we are in need of ministers! Click one of the ministries below to let us know which you’d like to join, or rejoin! This is a great opportunity to grow in faith and serve others. USHERS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS VIDEO MINISTRY GREETERS

Week 6 – Discovering Holy Week (Young Adults)

Community Reflection “Then Jesus said to them, ‘All of you will have your faith shaken, for it is written: I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be dispersed. But after I have been raised up, I shall go before you to Galilee.‘” (Mark 14:27-28) Every year when Holy Week comes around, I feel as though I’m given a chance to restart and regroup. No matter how my Lent has been going, how many times I’ve missed Mass, ate meat …

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