Ignatian Spirituality Ministry

“Go, set the world on fire!” St. Ignatius of Loyola The Ignatian Spirituality Ministry invites you to join us on the first Tuesday of the month (January, February, May, and June) from 7:00pm-8:30 in the Galilee Room of the Pastoral Care Center (note: our Lenten retreat will be offered in March and April). We will offer refreshments, a brief teaching on Ignatian Spirituality, and a time of led prayer and faith sharing. Our theme this year is about different types …

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Mission Haiti

Mission Statement: Mission Haiti experiences the vitality and love of Jesus Christ by reaching out beyond our community and sharing Christ’s presence in the impoverished communities of Haiti. Dear Parishioners,With grateful hearts, we thank you for your generosity during the Mission Haiti appealweekend.  Once again you warmly welcomed Fr. Tom Hagan and Doug Campbell fromHands Together.  You listened to their messages about the dire situation in Haiti andyou answered their plea for help with tremendous generosity.  Holy Family parish is …

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Filipino Catholic Association

Upcoming Events You are all welcome to join the Filipino Catholic American Association upcoming events: Mission Statement The mission of the Filipino Catholic Association is to cultivate a spirit of fellowship and unity in prayer among its members, preserve Filipino culture for future generations, and offer spiritual and financial support to those in need. All are welcome! Please contact Jonathan Resurreccion at jonresurreccion.fca@gmail.com for more information on how to join the FCA.  Celebration of Filipino feasts with Mass followed by a reception:o Divine …

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Adult Confirmation

Mission StatementHoly Family Adult Confirmation Sacramental Preparation provides a lively and welcoming process for adults to complete the Sacraments of Initiation. About Adult Confirmation The Adult Confirmation process is a fun interactive opportunity for Catholics who have not had the opportunity to receive the sacrament of Confirmation to complete their full initiation into the Catholic Church.  This ten-week process emphasizes the basics of Catholic teaching respecting the adult audience’s many concerns, questions and responsibilities.  Some of the topics include the …

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Bible Study

“Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path” – Psalm 119 Let us be your anchor to faith… Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89775722560?pwd=V1R1eGYvSndadFpKeVhyeHd5eEVKQT09 Meeting ID: 897 7572 2560Passcode: TheWord Joining a Bible study offers the opportunity to deepen your understanding of Scripture while growing closer to God through meaningful reflection and discussion. It also fosters a sense of community, providing support and encouragement as you journey in faith alongside others. Our Bible studies take place on Wednesday …

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Holy Family Bookstore

About the Holy Family Bookstore
The Holy Family Bookstore, located on the lower level in the Connolly Parish Hall, is a ministry of the parish dedicated to providing a convenient source for parishioners and others to purchase religious reading material, sacramental articles, devotional items, Christian fine art, and Holy Family parish media. The Bookstore strives to be the foremost supplier of quality Catholic religious material in the San Gabriel Valley. The Bookstore is sensitive to customer needs and provides outstanding customer service.

St. Joseph’s Table

St. Joseph’s Altar is a traditional Italian table featuring an elaborate assortment of foods for your purchase and enjoyment, including freshly baked bread and pastries. In Italy, St. Joseph’s Table was meant to feed and support the poor, and our table will continue this blessed tradition. Any and all donations of baked goods are appreciated. Grazie! Mission StatementThe tradition of St. Joseph’sTable, which dates from the Middle Ages, honors St. Joseph,the foster father of Jesus Christ and patron of the …

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Liturgy of the Word for Children

Mission StatementLiturgy of the Word for Children is a ministry for children allowing for their full, conscious and active participation in the Sunday readings, homily and general intercessions. Liturgy of the Word for Children is a program in which the Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate to children in grades pre-K (4 years old) – 4th at the 9:30 am  Sunday Masses. Any child in this age group may participate – no registration is necessary. …

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Cub Scouts

CUB SCOUTS Pack 333 – Parish Based Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family.  Scouting at Holy Family offers boys and girls a wonderful opportunity to become self-reliant, dependable individuals who care about themselves and the world around them with God at their center. Cub Scout Pack 333, sponsored by Holy Family Church, is a group of over 70 boys and girls in grades 1 through 5. Pack activities include monthly Den activities, monthly Pack meetings, hiking in local mountains, overnight camp-outs, community volunteering, …

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