Mission Statement
Liturgy of the Word for Children is a ministry for children allowing for their full, conscious and active participation in the Sunday readings, homily and general intercessions.
Liturgy of the Word for Children is a program in which the Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate to children in grades pre-K (4 years old) – 4th at the 9:30 am Sunday Masses. Any child in this age group may participate – no registration is necessary.
About the Ministry
Liturgy of the Word and gather elsewhere to celebrate a separate Liturgy of the Word more appropriate to their level of understanding. A typical session has three parts.
- Gathering. The children gather with the assembly to celebrate the introductory rites.
- Blessing of the children and processing. At the conclusion of the opening prayer, but before the first reading is proclaimed, the celebrant formally sends the children and their ministers to the Loretto Room in the Education Building, where they celebrate their own Liturgy of the Word.
- Preparing the children to listen. The children are welcomed and invited to introduce themselves to one another and to share something they did during the last week.
- Listening to the Word. The readings follow the same structure and cycle as the readings for Mass but come from a Lectionary designed for children. The adult leaders share some understanding of the readings and provide children with background information where necessary or appropriate.
- Prayers of the Faithful. Simple petitions are prepared allowing the children to name the needs of the Church, the world, those in need and the local community and to bring these to God in prayer.
- The children rejoin the community for the Eucharistic prayer, communion and concluding rites.
What is the schedule?
This starts in October. Occasionally there will be no Children’s Liturgy of the Word due to a holiday or the Family Faith Formation Sessions
How can you help? We are currently in need of:
Adult Leaders – to lead the Scripture service, reflection, and prayers at the 9:30 and 11:15 am Masses. Masses are scheduled on a rotating basis; detailed resources for preparation and reflection are provided; previous teaching experience is not required as this is a ministry of faith-sharing rather than teaching. All Safeguard the Children protocols will be observed.
Teen Leaders – to help the adult leaders by reading, leading discussion, etc.