Community Reflection

“Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white…” – Mark 9:2-3a

The Transfiguration has always been a strange and unrelatable event for me. It’s hard for my mind to comprehend what is happening and relate to the dazzling white, tent proposal, and talking clouds. But in the past few years, I have begun contemplating the Transfiguration experience from the viewpoint of Peter. I place myself in Peter’s shoes while hiking up the high mountain. I look through Peter’s eyes at the vistas and peaks surrounding the mountain. I feel the exhaustion, peace, and accomplishment of reaching the top. And then I am struck with the sudden transfiguration of Jesus. I am left in painful awareness of my failings and where I fall short. But a cloud dampens the brightness. It helps Jesus become more relatable and close.

Change is difficult and I am oftentimes paralyzed at how dazzling it may be. I constantly question my capabilities and whether I will make a mistake. But I truly believe that God accepts my flawed self in the Transfiguration and encourages me to listen to Jesus anyway. I am invited to transform and grow despite my clothes being frayed and dirty. And I pray that we are comforted and energized by the Transfiguration to improve ourselves and work towards a society of beloved brothers and sisters.

— Vianney Truong (Trinity YAM Leader)


Ways of “Discovering Change” This Week

  • Gather
    • “Are Women Deacons Next?”, with Phyllis Zagano, PhD – March 5th (live at 12pm PT, replayed at 7pm PT), part of Holy Family’s “Lenten Lucis” series
    • Meatless Meal Prep Live Cooking Demo – March 6th, 10th, & 17th from 6-7pm PT, with YAM LA Solidarity Community (Join on Zoom)
  • Watch
    • Dead Man Walking – dramatic depiction of Sr. Helen Prejean’s accompaniment of those on death row
    • The Shawshank Redemption– moving drama about the developing bond of two prisoners amidst their personal transformations
    • St. Vincent – a young boy whose parents have just divorced finds an unlikely friend and mentor in the war veteran who lives next door
    • The Waythe story of one man’s internal & external pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago

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