Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent, March 20, 2024

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent, March 20, 2024

Presider: Fr. Andrew John 8:31-42, If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.  

Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 17, 2024, 11:15am

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 17, 2024, 11:15am

Presider: Fr. Andrew John 12:20-33, If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it produces much fruit.   

Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 17, 2024, 9:30am

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 17, 2024, 9:30am

Presider: Msgr. Connolly John 12:20-33, If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it produces much fruit. 

Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent, March 15, 2024

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent, March 15, 2024

Presider: Fr. Andrew John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30, They tried to arrest him, but his hour had not yet come. 

Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent, March 14, 2024

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent, March 14, 2024

Presider: Fr. Andrew John 5:31-47, The one who will accuse you is Moses, in whom you have placed your hope. 

Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent, March 13, 2024

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent, March 13, 2024

Presider: Fr. Andrew John 5:17-30, As the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also does the Son give life to those whom he chooses.   

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