Saturday of the First Week of Lent, February 24, 2024

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Saturday of the First Week of Lent, February 24, 2024

Presider: Fr. Ricky Homilist: Deacon Joseph Matthew 5:43-48, Be perfect, just as your heavenly father is perfect.

Friday of the First Week of Lent, February 23, 2024

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Friday of the First Week of Lent, February 23, 2024

Presider: Fr. Ricky  Homilist:  Deacon Joseph Matthew 5:20-26, Go first and be reconciled with your brother.

Wednesday of the First Week of Lent, February 21, 2024

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Wednesday of the First Week of Lent, February 21, 2024

Presider: Fr. Ricky Luke 11:29-32, No sign will be given to this generation except the sign of Jonah.

Monday of the First Week of Lent, February 19, 2024

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Monday of the First Week of Lent, February 19, 2024

Presider: Fr. Andrew Matthew 25:31-46, Whatever you have done to the very least of my brothers, you have done to me.

First Sunday of Lent, February 18, 2024 – 9:30am Mass

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
First Sunday of Lent, February 18, 2024 – 9:30am Mass

Presider: Msgr. Connolly Mark 1:12-15, Jesus was tempted by Satan, and the angels ministered to him.

Saturday after Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2024

Holy Family Church
Holy Family Church
Saturday after Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2024

Presider: Fr. Ricky, Homilist: Deacon Joseph Luke 5:27-32, I have not come to call righteous to repentance but sinners.

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