Holy Family Church has more than 50 different ministries where you can find your place. If you are a seeker wishing to learn about the faith, or a pilgrim desiring to deepen your faith, the hand of Christ wanting to reach out to others or a leader striving to use your gifts to further empower your faith community, there is a need for you at Holy Family.
Please contact our Parish Administrator, Father Ricardo Viveros at frricardo@holyfamily.org, with any questions.
Please consider finding out about and/or engaging in one of the more ministries below. Or, if you see a need which has not been addressed, there is a method for starting a new ministry.
Trinity Young Adult Ministry
Trinity Ministry connects adults in their 20s, 30s, and the young at heart. With offerings that encourage spiritual growth, social connection, and service to others, Trinity is here for you. You are not alone. You are loved.

Mission Statement The Usher Ministry serves the worshiping assembly by providing a welcoming, hospitable atmosphere and assuring the orderly progress of the liturgy. About the Usher Ministry The Usher Ministry finds it roots in Hebrew scripture. The Second Book of Kings speaks of the “doorkeepers” …
Video Ministry and Holy Family Productions
Holy Family Productions and Video Ministry are ministries that service the parish and the larger community that produces high-quality videos of Eucharistic celebrations as well as Holy Family events, special liturgies, and other activities for viewing on local cable channels, our Website, for distribution to convalescent homes, and for purchase.
Video Ministry Volunteer Opportunities
There are five teams of eight members. An annual calendar is prepared. The teams rotate through the Sundays for the 9:30 a.m. Mass shoot. Contact Dawn Ponnet (626) 403-6128 dponnet@holyfamily.org
Volunteers are Always Appreciated!
Please contact Father Albert Bahhuth at fralbert@holyfamily.org to find out about current volunteer needs. Thank you!

A wedding is a day; a marriage is a lifetime For Catholics, marriage is not only a personal covenant; it is also a sacrament in which God is present in a special way in the lives of the two persons joined with Christ in a …
Women’s Connection
Leadership Team Ina Baskin; Diane Collison; Carlotta DeFrancisco; Donna Gibson; Mary Hannon; Valerie Harris; Judy Henderson; Angela Howell; Pam Kennington; Rose Marie Martinez; Judi Schwab; Theresa Shaw; Diane Sternal; Donna Tucker Auxiliary team members: Ana Cordero; Michell Kim If you are interested in participating in …

Youth Ministry
All High School Teens invited!
ALL Thursdays DROP-IN NIGHTS at the Eden Center 7:00pm–9:00pm If you are in High School (9th-12th grade), this is YOUR night away to spend time @ YOUR Eden Center. Pool Tables, Air Hockey, Foosball, Ping Pong, Games, Good people, Basketball, Homework space, Snacks, Good News!!!