Online Prayer Book - page 41

Heavenly Hosts! I doubt this would have been enough for Ahaz--and certainly not for many of
us, who shy so quickly away from mystery--not enough "reliable" witnesses, not enough demon-
strable "answers." Could we make a plausible case? Who would take you seriously?
Mary was frightened, but knew a power, unseen and life-giving, was at work. Even her initially
scandalized and disappointed husband-to-be was brought on board, realizing the presence of
some mysterious and greater truth. While escaping from the hometown legal fallout, she would
take shelter, comfort and encouragement from her cousin, Elizabeth, who was experiencing her
own sense of the miraculous. A string of "miracles" followed from this Annunciation forward.
Our age isn't very friendly to "miracles." Where is the data? Where is the proof? Why believe any
of this sentimental "nonsense"? We are content only with our advancing knowledge of galaxies,
quarks and bosons--things we can see and touch or, at least, calculate. This makes sense in a
controllable scientific world--one where we can eventually Know--the endgame being that the
Ultimate Reality will be uncovered someday, perhaps soon. It will likely be something simultane-
ously very, very small and very, very massive--like the full-of-Grace bond between an unimpor-
tant young woman, her always miraculous child, and the future they create together.
Graceful Mary, thank you for your, "Yes!" -- for inspiring us with your courage.
Don Milici
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