Prayers for Children- Sept. 15, 2016

Reality. One week ago while sitting under a fig tree, the youngest boy of a family saw a person approaching. He asked the man for a pen. He wanted to draw a picture. The man asked, “where do you live?” The child answered, “I don’t know.” This is the child’s reality – no food, no home, no shelter. There are too many who answer, “I don’t know” in every country, city, and village. These are the children crossing the Mediterranean …

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Prayers for Children – the Promise of Tomorrow

Aug.15, 2016 –  Now we must think of our children during this pandemic of killings here and around the world. Families and friends have lost so much. What do we do in response to tragedy? We must allow our children to see, share and learn from us. We grieve – we do acts of mercy – we do not retaliate – we empathize. We show love and mercy for the human family. As a caring world, let us join together …

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Prayers for Children, See the World through their Eyes

July 15, 2016. Recent and current events seem to surround us with negativity, distrust, disbelief, and lack of concern for others. However as a global family, we share the same needs, same desires and same care for our children and others. Let us with world-wide concern, continue in positive thought, prayer,and blessing for all our children and youth. In our families and neighborhoods, let us show mercy, welcome the child, and continue to love.respect, teach, and support our children. “The …

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Diaconate Journey – Diaconate Ordination

On June 11, 2016 most of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton class was present to help with the ordination of thirteen men to the order of the permanent diaconate.  (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes). Here is a link to the homily that Archbishop Gomez that he made at the ceremony: . This is a link to a video summary of the ordination: This was the fifth ordination that Jay had attended and …

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Prayers for Children-World Refugee Day

June 15, 2016. Let us focus our prayers, blessings and positive thoughts on the hungry, the starving, the thirsty. Every 10 seconds a child dies of hunger. This is due not only to government mismanagement and war but also the drought. Throughout the world – Africa, South America, Canada, the Mediterranean, Central Europe, the United States and more – children and families are starving. Water is so scarce, crops cannot grow. Let us show our concern and continue our service …

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Diaconate Journey Continues… Last Class of Year 4

On June 4, 2016 the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton class met at St. Louis of France La Puente. This was our last class of fourth year.  We will return here on September 10th to begin our 5th and final year of diaconate formation.   (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes). Milia Islam-Majeed (pictured) and Fr. Alexei Smith did a wonderful presentation on the Islamic faith. Milia is the Executive Directive of the South …

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Diaconate Journey….Remembering Tess

On May 21, 2016 The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton class met at Alemany High School, Mission Hills.  Our last class for this school year will be at St. Louis of France, in La Puente, June 4, 2016. (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes). This was our last class in Mission Hills for year 4.  One of the rituals of our class has adopted is on the last class at Alemany High School is to …

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Diaconate Journey…Baptism Practicum

May 7, 2016 we continue our diaconate journey… This year, one of the focus areas was that of the Sacrament of Baptism. This included a practicum (i.e. a complete run through of the item, i.e. a Rite of Baptism). We asked two of our classmates to be the parents of “Grace Charlotte” and another two to be the godparents. We prepared a worship aid, including music, selected the readings and responses, a brief yet inspiring homily, saints to include in …

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Diaconate Journey…. April 23, 2016

On April 23, 2016 the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton class met at St .Louis of France in La Puente.  Our next class will be at Alemany High School, Mission Hills on May 7, 2016. (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-monthly  Deacon formation classes). As part of this day, we met with our facilitators for next year, Deacon Memo and his wife Liliana. We discussed what will be covered in our class as well as other …

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