Jay and Candy at RE Congress Youth Day!

On March 5, 2016 the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton class met at Alemany High School, Mission Hills.  Our next class will also be at Alemany High School, Mission Hills on March 17, 2016. One of the items we covered today was our experiences from the Religious Education Congress. What follows is a summary of Youth Day and some of the sessions we attended. Youth Day – Wednesday There were over 15,000 that attended Youth Day 2016. Candy & Jay Krueger …

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Diaconate Journey Continues….the Lord’s Mountain

On December 19th, 2015 the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton class met at Alemany High School, Mission Hills.  Our next class will also be at Alemany High School, Mission Hills on January 9th, 2016.   (Please click here to read all of our experiences of the bi-weekly  Deacon formation classes). As a couple in Diaconate Formation one of the many items that you agree to do is to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. This is also referred as the prayer of the …

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Media Center

Outstanding Curated Videos from Holy Family Productions

Below are outstanding videos produced by Holy Family Productions. MOST RECENT Celebration of 60 years, Msgr. Connolly, June 15, 2024 The archived videos below are in alphabetized categories ABUSE SCANDAL IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ADULT FORMATION:  CATHOLIC LEARNING & EVANGELIZATION MESSAGES ART & FAITH TOGETHER IN MISSION BIBLE STUDY (In alphabetical order by book) CAMINO DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA CHOIRS CHRISTIAN MEDITATION CHURCH ISSUES (In chronological order most recent at the end of this category) GOOD FRIDAY ECUMENICAL SERVICES FAITHFUL …

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