Liturgy of the Word for Children

Mission StatementLiturgy of the Word for Children is a ministry for children allowing for their full, conscious and active participation in the Sunday readings, homily and general intercessions. Liturgy of the Word for Children is a program in which the Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate to children in grades pre-K (4 years old) – 4th at the 9:30 am  Sunday Masses. Any child in this age group may participate – no registration is necessary. …

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Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children

Rite of Christian Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist Every society that wants to continue must admit new members. This is true of sporting leagues, universities, the unions, the United States and churches. In some societies, very little may be required to gain admittance: When you wish to become a member of a book or record club, you just send in the coupon and the check. At another extreme, young men gained admission to adulthood in certain African cultures by elaborate …

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RCIA 2014

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children

Mission Statement Holy Family is a welcoming community of faith who welcomes seekers and so we initiate new members through the rites of our Catholic Church.  Those seekers are nurtured as individuals on their own faith journeys, challenging them to live the Gospel message as Catholic Christians. They do this within a community of fellow seekers and parishioners of Holy Family Church. About Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults The Catholic Church welcomes new members and tries to provide appropriate …

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Education/Formation Commission

– The Education/Formation Commission supports all levels of religious education; encouraging all to participate in life-long spiritual formation through community-wide catechesis.


Volunteering at Holy Family

Download: Holy Family Volunteer Recognition VOLUNTEER for Holy Family  Where is God calling you? Join the fun, join the family, come and volunteer! It’s easy to forget that an integral part of our faith and our relationship with Jesus Christ is communion with others, especially in service. Your participation is not only welcome at Holy Family Parish, it is vital to our mission. Every single person sitting in our pews has a role here and we invite you to share …

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Holy Family’s Continued Response to COVID-19/CORONAVIRUS

“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” -John 1:5 April 3, 2020 Dear Parishioners and Friends of Holy Family, As we settle into the “new normal” of our existence, I hope that you and your family are staying well and finding solace in God’s love and mercy through the support of our daily e-mails, the livestreaming of our Masses, and in the variety of ways our ministries are reaching out to you. We are …

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Among several Spanish-speaking countries and among many Hispanics in the United States there is the custom of celebrating the passage from childhood to adolescence with a ritual that expresses thanksgiving to God for the gift of life and that asks for a blessing from God for the years ahead. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Order for the Blessing on the Fifteenth Birthday The Thanksgiving Mass for Quince años (when a girls turns 15 years old) are celebrated at Holy …

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Deacon Couple - Candy and Jay Krueger

And the Journey Continues… Prayers of the Faithful- a Call to Action

Prayers of the Faithful is a call to action. Every Mass has something in common, while the readings might be different, the homily as well, the music and musicians change, there is one common thread, the prayers of the faithful, also called Universal Prayer. These prayers call our community to action, to remind those present of the needs of our universal church.  These prayers remind all to pray for our Holy Father, Francis, for the peoples of the world, all …

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Now a Deacon Couple – Watch Jay’s Ordination!

June 10, 2017 Ordination & Deacon Couple On Saturday morning, June 10th Jay along with eighteen of his classmates were ordained Permanent Deacons for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and he has been assigned to Holy Family Parish, South Pasadena. The ordination Mass can be viewed at this link . The past week of Dcn. Jay & Candy’s life has been amazing. From the rehearsal at the Cathedral and the dinner that followed at the hotel, to the day …

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