The Diaconate Journey – the Serra Club

Below are our latest two blogs. The first is about our presentation to the Serra Club and the second is about our latest class. ( Click here to read all of Jay and Candy’s Diaconate blogs!) March 30th, 2015 – Candy & Jay Krueger were asked to present their diaconate journey to the Serra Club of Pasadena on March 30th. Serra International is an organization of the Global Lay Apostolate for Vocations in the Catholic Church.Since it was founded in 1935, …

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2-21-15 Diaconate Journey… Mystery of Faith

On Saturday, February 21, 2015, we continued our third of five years journey in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. As of our last class we have completed half of our five years of diaconate formation. We continue to be grateful for your support and prayers as we continue this amazing journey. ( Click here to read all of Jay and Candy’s Diaconate blogs!) This class we had a guest speaker, Fr. Jack Brennan, from …

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Diaconate Journey…Taize

January 31, 2015   As part of this year’s diaconate formation each of the couples in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton group have to present a twenty-minute presentation on one of several spiritualities during the year. Examples can include Franciscan, Benedictine, or even Tiaze’. The purpose of these are to allow the class to become familiar with the different types of spiritualities that exist and some of the aspects of each presented. We selected Taize’ because we have attended a number of …

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A warm “Thank-you”

We are continually humbled by the generosity of the Holy Family community. We asked for jackets and hygiene items and what an amazing response. The looks of those who were the recipients of your generosity were in awe. “How could someone who doesn’t even know me be so thoughtful?” A “thank-you” cannot begin to express the smiles and hugs that were received on your behalf, but for now, it will have to do. We continue to pray for blessings on …

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Diaconate Journey…I want to see!

January 14, 2015 we continue our diaconate journey… ( Click here to read all of Jay and Candy’s Diaconate blogs!) This week we were at Alemany High School. Our morning was a guest speaker from St. John’s Seminary, Fr. Anthony Lee, on the topic of Christology. Hi talk focused around three questions asked by Jesus:  Who do you say that I am? What do you want me to do for you? Do you love me? The second question, “What do you …

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Diaconate Journey… Coats for the Homeless

January 3, 2015  we continued our third of five years journey in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. This week we were at American Martyrs Parish in Manhattan Beach where all in Diaconate formation met the new Director of Diaconate Formation, Deacon David Estrada and his wife Rita. Deacon David is a native Californian born and raised in the Los Angeles area. He has been married to his wife Rita for 41 years, and has …

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Diaconate Journey Continues… Your Witness Talk

December 13, 2014 we continued our third of five years journey in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. As part of this year’s formation, each person is to provide a 10 minute witness talk. Ten minutes to explain how you and your spirituality ended up where you are now. Witness talks to this point have included some of the following topics: Childhood, how my life was formed by those who raised me. The impact of …

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Diaconate Journey…Would Jesus use Social Media?

On Saturday, December 6, 2014, we continued our third of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. This week we discussed what ordinary 21st century images and experiences would Jesus use if he was teaching in parables today? How might they vary when used in different cultures, generations and socioeconomic classes? Below are some of the responses we heard and discussed in class about this topic. Unlike in the time of Jesus, …

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Diaconate Journey…Rite of Reader

Click here to read all of Jay and Candy’s Diaconate blogs November 15, 2014  We continue our third of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. This week the candidates in the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class received the Rite of Reader or Lector and those in the St. Rose of Lima (the class year ahead of us) received the rite of Acolyte. These two rites were established by Pope Paul VI …

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Diaconate Journey…

On Saturday, November 1, 2014, we continued our third of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. Fr. Steve Thoma presented on Vigil planning and what to keep in mind when preparing and conducting a Vigil. The key item that hit home was planning of time. A vigil is usually an hour, more or less in duration. It is helpful to plan to be there an hour before it starts and to …

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