Diaconate Journey…Four Faces of Jesus

October 18, 2014  During this class we discussed our papers about the article, “The Four Faces of Jesus” by Virginia Smith as well as the introduction to the book “Who is Jesus? An Introduction to Christology” by Thomas P. Rausch. As we prepare for each class we usually have a reading assignment. When we read something for class, we produce a one page paper that contains three or four parts: What did I learn? (Intellectual Component) This is 5 – …

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Diaconate Journey Continues….Together Alone

October 4, 2014  We continue our third of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. This was the first time during formation that both of us did not attend class together. Candy was out of town at her 40th class reunion. The date for her reunion had been set prior to the formation schedule and she was one of the chairs. Being at class without Candy was strange to say the least. As …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…We are Family!

On Saturday, September 20, 2014, we continued our third of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. This class was the annual opening all group retreat for Diaconate Formation. The focus of this retreat was that of family. Family, as it relates to each of our personal families (i.e. small church community), the Diaconate, and the larger family including our parish and local communities as well as the larger Church. This also …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…Candidacy Year II Begins

On Saturday, September 6, 2014 we started our third of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. We were excited as we walked down the halls of Bishop Alemany High School trying to locate our new classroom.  As we started to see our classmates, we knew we were near. We found out that an additional couple had joined the Spanish class. They were in the formation program previously, had taken a leave …

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Diaconate Journey… Candidacy Year I Ends

June 21, 2014     On Saturday, we completed our second of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. When you get to the end of this blog entry you will notice that we wasted no time in changing “Candidacy Year I, Diaconate Formation,” to “Candidacy Year II, Diaconate Formation”. This year the Rite of Candidacy was received by our formation class, we learned about the New Testament, read and presented Papal Encyclicals, …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…Are you an ENFP?

May 31, 2014   This week our class was in Dominquez Hills. Our two remaining classes will be a closing all group retreat in Tujunga and our last class in La Puente.  This class was conducted by Fr. Frank Ferrante Myers, C.M.F., and Lillian Wood and was on Myers – Briggs Personality and Human Development. We had read information about Myers – Briggs as part of homework preparation and attempted to determine our personality types. We started with this and spent …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…evening prayer

May 17, 2014 This week was our last class at Alemany High School for this year. Our three remaining classes will be in Dominquez Hills, Tujunga, and La Puente. We had a presentation on the encyclical Centessimus Annus written by Saint John Paul II as well as discussed St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.  The most important time in class came when we prayed evening prayer. If you have read our blog this year, you remember that we lost one of …

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Deacon Corner

May 3, 2014 we continue our diaconate journey… This week the majority of the class time was covered with a guest speaker,  Tim Staples  from Catholic Answers. Tim is a Catholic Apologist. This is a field of theology, which has the aim to present a rational basis for the Roman Catholic faith and defending it against objections. Tim had not always been a Catholic.  In fact, he was a member of the Assemblies of God Church, as well as a Youth …

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Diaconate Journey Continues….Catholic Apologist

May 3, 2014 we continue our diaconate journey… This week the majority of the class time was covered with a guest speaker,  Tim Staples  from Catholic Answers. Tim is a Catholic Apologist. This is a field of theology, which has the aim to present a rational basis for the Roman Catholic faith and defending it against objections. Tim had not always been a Catholic.  In fact, he was a member of the Assemblies of God Church, as well as a Youth …

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