Disciples, all of us, seek opportunities to learn and grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and continue to build a spiritual life by participating in retreats, workshops, faith-sharing formation sessions, communities, and festivals of faith. Holy Family has faith formation sessions for people at all ages.

Mental Wellness Ministry and Resources
Mental Health and Prayer Resources AA – Alcoholics Anonymous, a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem and Al-Anon for families of those with a drinking problem. Community Resource Directory – Los Angeles County – Los Angeles/ San Gabriel CatholicPsych online …

Middle School Ministry
Middle school ministry here at Holy Family Parish is a welcoming community for all sixth, seventh and eighth grade youth. We gather in the Eden Center on Wednesday nights (7-8:30pm) to grow in our faith together through prayer, learning, friendship and discipleship deeds (community service).

Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is an opportunity to discover who we are in God, to let go of what is not working, to fully accept our lives and forgive ourselves and others. The Spiritual Direction Ministry provides this opportunity to those who seek guidance, affirmation and/or enrichment in their …
A wedding is a day; a marriage is a lifetime For Catholics, marriage is not only a personal covenant; it is also a sacrament in which God is present in a special way in the lives of the two persons joined with Christ in a …