Religious Education Congress

The Religious Education Congress is a gathering of the brightest and the best in the area of Catholic Religious Formation, Pastoral Leadership, Scripture Study, Music and Worship.   Each year Holy Family sends a large delegation of catechists, parish leaders, parents and teens to this four day event.  Each year The Religious Education Congress is held in the winter/ or early spring at the Anaheim Convention Center (near the Disneyland resort). Some of our delegates travel each day to Anaheim for …

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“Children on the Run”

July 15, 2014 – Prayers for Children – On the 15th, as a world community, we direct our thought, prayer, and blessing to the refugee child. Globally forced displacement will result in 50 million refugees – one half of these will be children. Some children will travel in groups; many alone. All are at risk of being exploited, abused, sold, enslaved and not all will survive. Countries receiving refugees face a humanitarian crisis. The USA has already received more than …

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Diaconate Journey… Candidacy Year I Ends

June 21, 2014     On Saturday, we completed our second of five years in diaconate formation as a part of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton class. When you get to the end of this blog entry you will notice that we wasted no time in changing “Candidacy Year I, Diaconate Formation,” to “Candidacy Year II, Diaconate Formation”. This year the Rite of Candidacy was received by our formation class, we learned about the New Testament, read and presented Papal Encyclicals, …

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Msgr. Connolly’s Golden Jubilee

Saturday June 14 marks the 50th anniversary of the ordination of Msgr. Clement J. Connolly. Please join us to celebrate his Golden Jubilee of Priestly Ordination. Sunday, June 22, 2014   Msgr. will be celebrating Mass at 9:30 a.m. and preaching at 11:00 a.m.  There will be a reception in the Hall from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  As usual, the 9:30 Mass will be broadcast via Livestream on our website.

Announcing the Launch of the Department of Advancement and Stewardship at Holy Family Church

May 1st saw the launch of the Department of Advancement and Stewardship at Holy Family Church.   The goal of the department is to create a cohesive and seamless stewardship and advancement program for the parish and school. Two new part-time positions have been created to staff the department.  Mary Hatton has assumed the position of Director of Parish Stewardship and Shannon Porter has taken on the responsibility of Director of School Advancement.  They will work very closely as a team …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…Are you an ENFP?

May 31, 2014   This week our class was in Dominquez Hills. Our two remaining classes will be a closing all group retreat in Tujunga and our last class in La Puente.  This class was conducted by Fr. Frank Ferrante Myers, C.M.F., and Lillian Wood and was on Myers – Briggs Personality and Human Development. We had read information about Myers – Briggs as part of homework preparation and attempted to determine our personality types. We started with this and spent …

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June 15 – Prayers for Children

June 15, 2014 – In shared humanity and global concern, let us bless, pray, and think of all children and youth. We hear the cry of the children, their families and the world community. In one voice we say: “Bring back our girls.” – Nigeria. Return the stolen, the “left behind” children of China, the 60,000 kidnapped a year in India, the tens of thousands of Mexico, Pakistan, Indonesia, US, Europe, Africa. South America – all countries. We can be …

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Mothers’ Day trip Get on the Bus 2014 – CCWF Chowchilla

The day started before well before the sun rose.  Many sleepy children arriving with their caregivers, Grandmothers & Aunts, each face reflected the early morning or perhaps it was the excitement that had made it difficult to fall asleep at bedtime. Eden is cheerfully decorated  with signs of welcome, encouragement and light, quick check in and a light breakfast placed in bags decorated by the Spirituality Education children at Holy Family School, talking with others riders and the sending team volunteers, the …

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Diaconate Journey Continues…evening prayer

May 17, 2014 This week was our last class at Alemany High School for this year. Our three remaining classes will be in Dominquez Hills, Tujunga, and La Puente. We had a presentation on the encyclical Centessimus Annus written by Saint John Paul II as well as discussed St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.  The most important time in class came when we prayed evening prayer. If you have read our blog this year, you remember that we lost one of …

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