Online Prayer Book - page 13

is our gift. How are we going share our gift with
the world?
Isaiah also speaks of God humbling 'he who
dwells on high, the lofty city he brings down.¯
How can humility be strengthened in our lives.
Does being humble make us weak? The foun-
dation of our faith on solid rock opens up the
question of 'what is solid rock?¯ If we drew a
picture of a house on a piece of paper towards
the top third, then drew a line right under that house, then under that line, wrote down
words that make up who we are. What would those words be? Do words like; humility,
gratitude, trust, faith, helpful, loving, nurturing , resilient, mentoring, positive, supportive,
giving, making good decisions?? Can we fill two thirds of a blank piece of paper under
our house of faith that is our foundation of Rock? Our foundation of who we think we
are, who we are each day, who we are around our peers, our work partners, our family,
our community. This is the gift that Jesus and God have given us. The ability to stop,
reflect, be introspective and take time to see who we are. Our gift of faith and free will is
the most precious gift we could have ever received. Isn?t it time we take that gift, dust it
off, shine it up and share it with our family, friends, community and the world.
God Bless
May you continue to provide strength during the time of Lent for us to pray, ask ques-
tions of ourselves, nurture our resolve, renew our faith and help us continue to grow in
your son?s image with Love, Faith and Gratitude.
We ask this in your name,
Robert Gallo
Holy Family Parishioner, Holy Family Lead Retreat Docent,
Holy Family School Parent/Coach
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