Online Prayer Book - page 18

Second Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 11:1-10
Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17
Romans 15:4-9
Matthew 3:1-12
The gospel is about John the Baptist preaching and foretelling the coming of the
Lord. We are familiar with John baptizing in the Jordan that converts both Jew
and gentile and his encouraging each one to be part of the coming Kingdom of
God. John spent most of his life preparing the way for Jesus charged by the Holy
Spirit and directing people to baptism in the Lord. Like John the Baptist we are
also called to give testimony and to direct others to Christ.
This is part of our baptismal commitment and is defined clearly by our Confirma-
tion. Our participation in the Eucharist is another call to the acknowledgement
that Christ is our savior and he wants us to live and love as He has loved us. So
as Catholics we are to give witness to Christ by living as He has asked us ? to
love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
This sounds like a mighty big task and it is, but when you break it down it can be
as simple as being a good person, a good role model for your children, a good
and caring husband or wife, a friendly neighbor. Do you ever think about the
number of people each of us influences on a daily basis? Getting up in the morn-
ing and joining your family for breakfast, getting in your car and driving to work or
to do chores, or shopping for groceries or gifts during this holiday season. Inter-
acting with our coworkers or the general public creates thousands of opportuni-
ties to point people to God?s kingdom.
Remember Clarence, the Angel in the movie 'It?
s a Wonderful Life¯? He helps 'George Bailey¯
(Jimmy Stewart) see how many people he has
influenced in his life while living in Bedford Falls.
He makes George see the numerous occur-
rences both big and small, which may have
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