The Holy Family Education Formation Team welcomes you.
We’re all on a faith journey towards discipleship, come join us. There is something for everyone.
We look forward to supporting your household of faith. Please give us a call and you will be directed to the ministry that will serve your needs: 626.799.8908
Education Formation Overview in PowerPoint <click here>
The following outline is designed to help you understand the opportunities available here at Holy Family.
Children’s Faith Formation:
Brother Francis takes us through Lent
Christian Initiation for Children and Teens (OCIA)
Faith Formation for Children and teens
Reflection Question of the Week
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children
Safeguard the Children
Welcome to the OCIA and Older First Eucharist Process
Also: Infant Baptism* ages 0-6
Sacramental prep for First Reconciliation (Confession)
Sacramental prep for First Eucharist (Communion)
Teen Faith Formation:
Confirmation for Teens
Middle School Ministry
Reflection Question of the Week
Religious Education Congress
The Rite of Baptism (For Children Under the Age of 7)
Welcome to the OCIA and Older First Eucharist Process
Youth & Young Adult 5:30 Mass
Youth Confirmation
Also: Confirmation Preparation generally 9th and 10th Grade
Adult Faith Formation:
Adult Confirmation
Adult Confirmation Make-up Page
All Are Welcome
Beautiful Eucharist
Disciple’s Reflection Question of the Week
Divorced and Separated Support Group
Holy Moments: A Handbook for the Rest of Your Life
Interfaith Dialogue
Lenten Readings & Reflection Questions
Living in a Stressful World: Part Two
Also: Parish Missions
* Christian Initiation Process welcomes children older than six and adults who are seeking the Catholic way of life.